Kumon Verbal Skills - My Book of Cursive Writing Letters (Age 6, 7, 8) - Kumon

Kumon Verbal Skills - My Book of Cursive Writing Letters (Age 6, 7, 8) - Kumon - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: KUM-9781935800187
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HK$ 80 HK$ 72
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Kumon Verbal Skills - My Book of Cursive Writing Letters (Age 6, 7, 8)

Kumon Workbooks teach children one specific skill from start to finish. The Kumon Method introduces concepts step-by-step, helping children to master each skill in turn as they gain confidence in their abilities and gather motivation to continue learning. Self-directed, Kumon workbooks are designed to nurture good study habits for students who need remedial or enrichment work.

This book will help your child master writing letters in cursive. Your child will learn cursive letters in a step-by-step manner by practicing first with easy-to-write letters, like the letter c, and gradually progressing to more difficult letters, like the uppercase letter G. For additional guidance, your child will start by tracing thick letters on a colored background, then advance to tracing letters that are dotted lines on a white background, and eventually progress to tracing very faint dotted lines. Your child will be able to learn cursive letters at his or her own pace, and build a strong foundation for linking letters in cursive writing.

  • 11 ⅔ × 8 ¼ inches (21 x 29.8cm)
  • paperback
  • 80 pages
  • full color
出版社 Kumon Publishing
ISBN 9781935800187
頁數 80
尺碼 29.8 x 21cm

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