Trusted Advice - Your Healthy Child - DK

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型 號: DK-9780756671556
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HK$ 242
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DK - Trusted Advice - Your Healthy Child

by Dr. Miriam Soppard

Clear, easy to follow advice on common childhood illnesses from parenting Guru Dr Miriam Stoppard comes the "Trusted Advice" series; providing warm and reassuring advice and guidance for every step of the way. With a fresh, contemporary feel and affordable price, these books are perfect for reading cover to cover or to dip in and out of for quick reference. From infectious diseases, colic, appendicitis and food poisoning, to broken bones and growing pains, Miriam describes common childhood illnesses, their symptoms and treatment in a clear and accessible style. Detailing simple diagnostic features of eighty typical childhood complaints, this book offers easy to follow advice on what parents can do to help their child and when to call a doctor. Miriam's sympathetic approach and medical expertise, as well as the useful A-Z index of complaints for easy reference, makes this book an essential and reassuring guide for any parent. 

作者 Dr. Miriam Soppard
出版社 DK Publishing
ISBN 9780756671556
種類 軟皮
頁數 128
尺碼 147 x 210mm
國家 美國

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