(HC) I Love you, Alfie Cub - Parragon

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型 號: PRG-9781472331793
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Parragon - Meadowside - I Love you, Alfie Cub

Alfie Cub has new baby sisters and he thinks they've used up all of Mommy's love! But little Alfie is determined to find her some more. So off he goes through the wood to look ... until a wise friend tells him how to find it much closer to home. This glorious new sibling story will delight and reassure.  

About the author

Angela McAllister is the author of over eighty books for children of all ages. Her books have been translated into more than twenty languages and have won numerous awards, including the Red House Book Award for 'Yuck! That's Not a Monster!', the Stockport and Portsmouth Awards for 'My Mum has X-Ray Vision' and the Hampshire Illustrated Book Award for 'Winter's Child'. Her picturebook, 'Leon and the Place Between' was adapted for the stage and shortlisted for the Kate Greenaway Award. She has collaborated with many illustrators including Grahame Baker-Smith, Chris Corr and Alex T. Smith. Angela also writes as Lulu Frost. She lives in Hampshire. 

作者 Angela McAllister
出版社 Parragon Books
ISBN 9781472331793
插圖者 Daniel Howarth
種類 硬封面
頁數 24
尺碼 245 x 245 mm

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