(HC) Ribbit! - Meadowside

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型 號: LTB-9781472304421
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HK$ 138 HK$ 69
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Parragon - Meadowside - Ribbit!

A group of frogs are living happily in a peaceful pond, until they discover a surprise visitor: a little pink pig. Sitting contentedly on a rock in the middle of their pond, the pig opens his mouth and says: RIBBIT! The frogs are bewildered at first, and then a bit annoyed—"What did that little pig just say?", "Does he think he's a frog?", "Is he making fun of us?" 

Soon the pig draws the attention of all the nearby animals; everyone is curious to know what he wants! After much guessing (and shouting) and a visit to the wise old beetle, the animals realize that perhaps the pig was not there to mock them afterall—maybe he just wanted to make new friends!  But is it too late?  This is a warm, funny, and beautifully illustrated story of friendship, with boisterous RIBBIT!s throughout—perfect for reading aloud.

About the Author

RODRIGO FOLGUEIRA studied art at Buenos Aires National School of Fine Art and works as an author and illustrator, specializing in children's books. He lives and works in Argentina. 

POLY BERNATENE graduated from Buenos Aires Art School and has worked across many different genres including advertising, animation, and comic books. He has published more than 60 children's books all over the world. He lives and works in Argentina. 

作者 Rodrigo Folgueira
出版社 Parragon Books
ISBN 9781472304421
插圖者 Poly Bernatene
種類 硬封面
頁數 24
尺碼 245 x 245 mm

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