(HC) Wherever You Go... I Go. - Parragon

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型 號: PRG-9781472359209
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HK$ 138 HK$ 69
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Parragon - Wherever You Go... I Go.

Baby elephant is inquisitive, adventurous and devoted. Mummy elephant is wise, loving and dependable - and they are always together, wherever, however.

This heart-warming story of a mother's and baby's unconditional love is brought to life by acclaimed author/illustrator team Beth Shoshan and Petra Brown. The charming animal characters and sweet lyrical text make 'Wherever you go...I go.' the perfect book for parent and child bonding at story time.

Then out we dash, to leap and play, and scramble in the morning sun. You push some leaves aside for me...

(Hey Mom! Hey, look! Guess who's a tree?!)

Whether they are sploshing and washing, walking and talking, or munching and crunching, Baby is never far from Mommy's side. 
'Wherever you go...I go.' is a tender tale of a very special relationship from acclaimed author-illustrator team Beth Shoshan and Petra Brown, perfect for parents and children to share wherever they may go.


作者 Beth Shoshan
出版社 Parragon Books
ISBN 9781472359209
插圖者 Petra Brown
種類 硬封面
頁數 32
尺碼 255 x 292 mm

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