(HC) Glitterbelle The Sparkliest Princess Ever! - Parragon

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型 號: PRG-9781472349224
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HK$ 138 HK$ 69
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Parragon - Glitterbelle The Sparkliest Princess Ever!

Glitterbelle is a glittery, sparkly, EXTRAORDINARY princess. But she has one not-so-sparkly, very ordinary problem… she will not eat her peas! When the queen reminds her that every princess in the family should LOVE peas because of that famous one that was hidden under the mattresses, Glitterbelle worries that she isn't a true princess at all. How can her friends and family convince her that she really is the sparkliest princess ever? A beautiful picture book with gorgeous collage-style art to admire.


作者 Rachel Duckett
出版社 Parragon Books
ISBN 9781472349224
插圖者 Harriet Muncaster
種類 硬封面
頁數 32
尺碼 255 x 292 mm

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