(HC) Sea Horse - Parragon

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型 號: PRG-9781781863541
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Parragon - Sea Horse

The story the horses loved most was the one that told of the great white horses, with their flowing manes and thundering hooves, dancing the in the waves… Guided by the shell, it's strong, clear song and its stories of distant oceans, the boy and the horse set out on a thrilling journey to the sea. But what will they find at their journey's end? Will the magical white horses rise from the waves and offer the horse his dream of galloping with them?

About the Author

Karin Littlewood lives and works in London. Originally from Yorkshire, she studied graphic design at Northumbria University, followed by an MA at Manchester Metropolitan University, where she specialised in illustration.
She has produced work for numerous newspapers and magazines, design and packaging companies and has illustrated over forty children's books published in the UK and worldwide.
Karin lives in Stoke Newington with her partner, Robin, who is also an illustrator.  A quick cycle ride from home takes her to her studio in central London, which she shares with designers, illustrators and artists - an inspiring and creative place to be. Karin regularly gives illustration workshops at schools, festivals, libraries and bookshops all over the country - a very enjoyable hands-on experience and a great chance to meet her audience.

作者 Karin Littlewood
出版社 Parragon Books
ISBN 9781781863541
插圖者 Karin Littlewood
種類 硬封面
頁數 32
尺碼 251 x 291 mm

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